How To Cook Meat To Avoid The Risk Of Trichinosis

How To Cook Meat To Avoid The Risk Of Trichinosis
How To Cook Meat To Avoid The Risk Of Trichinosis

The safest way to avoid the risk of trichinosis, well yes you cook the meat at the appropriate temperature. In this case, the use of a cooking thermometer may be especially important. Also, do not allow yourself to taste the food before it is fully cooked.

It is believed that pork is most susceptible to the development of trichinosis. Animals are easily infected by each other, especially if the pig is given to eat leftover infected meat.

Before you start cooking:

Wash your hands with warm soapy water after holding, cutting and flavoring raw meat.

Trichinosis in meat
Trichinosis in meat

Salting, smoking and drying meat are not processes that guarantee the removal of pathogens, if any. For this reason, homemade sausages, fillets and sausages are considered potentially dangerous for the development of trichinosis.

Any parasites in the meat die if it is deep-frozen for at least 20 days at -15 °. It should be cut into not very thick pieces.

Thoroughly clean the boards and knives with which you have processed the meat. The same goes for the mill if you have made minced meat or stuffed sausages.

Here's how to cook pork to make sure there are no pathogenic bacilli in it:

Large pieces of meat such as whole hams or shoulders should be roasted at a temperature of at least 160 ° C for at least an hour and a half. If you cook at a higher temperature, you can shorten the time. Allow the meat to "rest" for a few minutes before eating.


The minced meat should be fried or baked at a high temperature, and the thermometer in it should show at least 71 ° С.

Game also requires good cooking, for to avoid the risk of trichinosis - the temperature in the meat must be above 70 ° C. It should also "rest" a few minutes after preparation.

Meats should not be eaten as soon as they are cooked, because while they are cooling, they are still in the process of cooking and the high temperature is an additional insurance that all pathogens will be killed. So always have a few minutes to "rest".
