Carbohydrates Are The Fuel Of The Brain

Carbohydrates Are The Fuel Of The Brain
Carbohydrates Are The Fuel Of The Brain

Prolonged low-carb diets have serious effects on the body and can literally destroy the body.

These diets usually cause rapid weight loss, which motivates the weight loss person to continue to avoid carbohydrate foods. However, these are particularly dangerous conditions that are a health risk.

With a lack of carbohydrates, the body is unable to burn fat naturally. The normal process requires carbohydrates to be combined with fats and used as fuel. In the long run, carbohydrate-free and low-carbohydrate diets can lead to more serious, even irreversible consequences.


It has long been clear that a shortage of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes increases the risk of various cancers. It is important to remember that carbohydrate foods in moderation are not harmful to the body. On the contrary, they are vital and irreplaceable.

It is an indisputable fact that for the human brain carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Carbohydrates are the perfect fuel for most body functions. They provide the body with much-needed energy for the muscles, the activity of the brain and the central nervous system.

In general, the process is as follows: the body transforms digestible, fiber-free carbohydrates into glucose, which is used by cells as fuel. Simple carbohydrates break down quickly and complex carbohydrates break down much more slowly and are incorporated into the bloodstream gradually.

Drinking Milk
Drinking Milk

Glucose produced during digestion enters the cells through insulin, which is released according to current needs.

Some of the glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles to be used later, for example during the next exercise. Excess glucose is stored as fat.

Simple, complex carbohydrates and fiber are found in many foods. Some of them provide important nutrients and take care of health, while others are a source of only calories and make them fat.

Sweets, sugar, jams, etc. contain simple carbohydrates and almost no valuable nutrients. Fruits also contain mainly simple carbohydrates, but also minerals, vitamins, fiber and water.

An invaluable source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins are legumes. Dairy products are made up of simple carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and more.

Include in your diet regularly and cereals, because they give our body complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein.
