Mushrooms Used For Medicinal Purposes

Mushrooms Used For Medicinal Purposes
Mushrooms Used For Medicinal Purposes

The use of mushrooms or their extracts as maintenance or stand-alone therapy for various diseases is called mycotherapy. Mushroom treatment usually serves to support the immune system. Mushrooms that have healing properties can be edible and inedible. Inedible mushrooms are non-poisonous tree species that are grown mainly in Asia. These mushrooms are known as medicinal or medicinal and are available as an extract of the active substances from mushrooms.

Mushroom-based products have been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. However, for the first time medicine discovered their useful properties and began to extract their active ingredients with the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. According to some pharmacological studies, some antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial substances from the fungus have been found. Here are some mushrooms that are widely used in medicine.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

Shiitake mushroom - the legend of folk medicine in Southeast Asia. They called it "Mushroom of the Sleeping Buddha" or "Mushroom - Emperor. Over the centuries in Japan it has been used mostly in the treatment of diabetes. This is probably the best studied mushroom. Thanks to the polysaccharide lentinan contained in it, which acts through the immune system, the shiitake mushroom is the most used antitumor drug. In Japan, it is an approved drug for the treatment of stomach cancer, and in the United States it is defined as one of the effective substances to protect against radiation. The shiitake mushroom has a pronounced antiviral effect. It contains "fungal phytoncides" - are volatile compounds that have the ability to fight all viruses, even AIDS.

Shiitake mushroom is also effective in autoimmune diseases. According to a number of studies in recent years, it has been found that the fungus successfully fights high cholesterol. When used properly, the fungus has a beneficial effect on a number of other diseases - lowering blood pressure / not recommended for low blood pressure /; restores the composition of the blood; protects the liver; lowers blood sugar in diabetes; has anti-inflammatory action in ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and many others.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

Maitake mushroom or also called the ram mushroom, or the "dancing mushroom". This fungus grows wild in Japan and some parts of China. It is most often used in traditional Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Undoubtedly maitake is a delicious culinary mushroom, but it is also highly valued for its healing properties. In recent years, the fungus has been the subject of great scientific interest. The main property of the mushroom is its ability to lose weight and melt fat. The meitake mushroom has a beneficial effect on stimulating the immune system; increase vitality; protects against cancer; helps with high blood pressure; normalizes the balance of sex hormones in women; reduces the side effects of chemotherapy - weakness, nausea, decreased appetite, hair loss; helps with cardiovascular diseases and others.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

The fungus Hericium erinaceus is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, Europe, East Asia and North America. It is also called lion's mane, monkey sponge, white beard, bearded hedgehog and others. Hericium mushroom in the form of tablets or capsules is recommended as a concomitant medicine for serious diseases such as cancer of the stomach, esophagus, intestines and pancreas; reducing the side effects of chemotherapy, inflammation of ulcers, problems with the intestinal flora, heartburn and gastritis; Crohn's disease; Overweight; diseases of the nervous system such as Alzheimer's; states of fear, depression and anxiety; impaired digestion; hemorrhoids and others.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

Coriolus variegated. In Germany, this mushroom is known as the "butterfly wing" and is found in various forms on dried deciduous wood. This mushroom is grown only for medicinal purposes, as it does not have good taste. Coriolus variegated works well in: various cancers and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy; bacterial infections; diabetes; rheumatism; upper respiratory tract infections; candidiasis; problem with liver function; hepatitis; inflammation of the intestines; high blood pressure; chronic fatigue; gastritis and ulcer; heart attack; skin diseases, migraine, edema; noise in the ears; strengthens the immune system.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

The mushroom Coprinus in Germany it is also known as "Mastilarka", because the decomposition of the old specimens produces a substance resembling dark ink. Although not an absolute cure, taking Coprinus is beneficial for some of the following diseases: diabetes; atherosclerosis; connective tissue problems; heart attack; vascular diseases, heart rhythm problems; treatment of alcoholism and others.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

Auricularia - In East Asia, this mushroom is often used for food. It is also called the "Ear of Judas". Auricularia is recommended for: stopping connective tissue tumors; delayed clotting in thrombosis; hemorrhoids; migraine; increase libido; Overweight; reducing the risk of heart attack; chronic diseases and others.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes
Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes

The mushroom Polyporus occurs mainly in Asia. It grows from June to October in the dense bushes of oak and beech forests. Its ground part is used for medical purposes. Polyporus mushroom therapy has been very successful in: dehydration, lowering cholesterol; regulation of blood pressure; improving the structure of the skin; dealing with infections; treatment of hemorrhoids; strengthening the heart; fight against inflammation of the connective tissue and others.
