There Are Also Diets For Gourmets

There Are Also Diets For Gourmets
There Are Also Diets For Gourmets

The word "diet" is stressful for most people, because the main thing in any diet are the restrictions. The advice is usually to eat less, to forget about delicious food, to imagine that there is a law that forbids sweets…

However, there are diets in which you do not have to cram in skim dairy products, fruits and vegetables, boiled white chicken and drink tea without sugar.

These include the consumption of products that are not even related to the very concept of diet. In the first place is the chocolate diet. It is done in five to seven days and nutritionists advise not to exceed this period.

However, the chocolate diet is a bit restrictive though - you can consume no more than a hundred grams of chocolate for the whole day. Drink water on your stomach, but not earlier than three hours after eating. This way you will lose five kilograms in five days.

There are also diets for gourmets
There are also diets for gourmets

The pasta diet is also useful. If they are not cooked with a lot of fat, pasta is not as high in calories, especially if they are whole grains.

Small portions of pasta are consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between main meals drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. The result is weight loss of five pounds in one month.

Usually those who want to lose weight are forbidden to think about potatoes, but the potato diet offers good satiety due to the high content of starch, vitamins and minerals.

It is observed for three days and is repeated not earlier than a month. At breakfast, drink a glass of milk and eat a boiled potato. Lunch is 300 g of mashed potatoes, and dinner - a salad of potatoes and eggs. Two kilograms are lost in three days.

The salami diet does not contain carbohydrates, so do not follow it for more than a week. At breakfast, drink tea or coffee with a little sugar, after two hours eat a boiled egg, and after another two hours - 200 g of non-fat salami.

After another two hours you will find 100 g of cheese, and after another two hours - 250 g of cottage cheese. You end the day with 100 g of salami. You should drink plenty of water during this diet. The result is minus five pounds a week.

Grandma's diet is based on protein. Tea or coffee is drunk at breakfast, followed by a second breakfast - 50 g of cheese or yellow cheese. Lunch is a boiled egg, 100 g of meat to your taste, 20 g of cheese.

Afternoon breakfast - tea or coffee, dinner - 100 g of meat and vegetable salad. Before going to bed, drink a cup of mint tea and lose 3 pounds a week. It is not repeated for at least a month.
