The Court Fined A Producer And Trader Of Oil

The Court Fined A Producer And Trader Of Oil
The Court Fined A Producer And Trader Of Oil

The Supreme Administrative Court upheld the two sanctions of Zvezda AD, Dolna Mitropolia and COOP - Trade and Tourism AD for creating a cartel on the oil market.

The court upheld the two sanctions imposed by the Commission for Protection of Competition last year. Zvezda AD will have to pay the amount of BGN 85,673, and Trade and Tourism AD - BGN 76,154.

As early as 2013, the Commission for Protection of Competition discovered that the oil producer and trader had concluded distribution agreements, which provided for final oil prices, which were presented as recommended.

COOP - Trade and Tourism AD has agreed in writing not to sell the oil purchased from Zvezda AD below the officially announced price of the manufacturer.

This price restriction was passed on to both the distributors and the sub-distributors who distributed the oil. Each of the chain was obliged to coordinate the prices with the producer Zvezda AD.

Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil

The Supreme Court confirmed that the two companies had deliberately coordinated their actions to restrict the freedom and independence of distributors to determine the price of the oil themselves.

It was proved before the court that the oil producer and trader aimed to restrict competition on the market through price manipulation of the oil, which is in strict violation of the Law on Protection of Competition.

The two companies were fined by the Commission for Protection of Competition last year, and now the court has upheld their two fines.

According to Article 104 of the LPC, any natural or legal person who has been harmed as a result of the established violation is entitled to compensation, and the effective decision of the SAC is binding on the civil court before which the claim for compensation is filed. of the Civil Procedure Code.

In a large-scale inspection last year, the Commission fined several other companies for a cartel for the oil market. Among them was Biser Oliva and its distributors - Velizara 2000 EOOD, MM Maleshkov EOOD, Zagora 2000 OOD and Familex OOD.
