Fish Oil Is The Secret Of Longevity

Fish Oil Is The Secret Of Longevity
Fish Oil Is The Secret Of Longevity

Fish oil, which is rich in polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, helps prolong the vital activity of cells, say American scientists from the University of California.

They claim that with this elixir of longevity helps heart disease. Fish oil is used as a remedy for heart attacks. The researchers included 608 heart patients from various cardiology centers.

They received a few spoonfuls of fish oil every day. The results showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on telomeres.

These are the end sections of chromosomes. The effect of polyunsaturated acids was most noticeable on the length of the telomeres.

And telomere length is known to be a marker of biological aging. Over time, these parts of the chromosomes shorten, becoming more susceptible to certain diseases caused by the aging process of the human body.

Fish oil capsules
Fish oil capsules

In addition, omega 3 helps the heart to pump blood normally, as well as the ability to prevent death due to cardiac arrest.

U. S. researchers have concluded that the mortality rate from cardiovascular disorders after adding fish oil to the daily menu has decreased by 27 percent.

The inclusion of fish oil in the menu of heart patients reduces the sudden need for hospitalization. Therefore, scientists advise that this elixir be included in the menu at least twice a week.

If a person does not like fish oil, he can replace it with fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout.
