Fish Oil Neutralizes The Effect Of Alcohol

Fish Oil Neutralizes The Effect Of Alcohol
Fish Oil Neutralizes The Effect Of Alcohol

The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and brain activity.

Scientists have proven that these acids can protect brain cells from the harmful effects of alcohol.

Researchers from the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism in Warsaw have warned that the use of fish oil does not mean that alcohol should be abused.


Scientists recommend fish oil to protect the structure of the brain, and its intake does not harm the body in any way.

Scientist Michael Collins of Loyola University in Chicago and his colleagues conducted an experiment to determine the effect that alcohol has on neurons.

In the experiment, nerve cells were extracted from the brain of a rodent. To these cells, scientists added alcohol and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - one of the main components of fish oil.

DHA improves blood circulation in the brain and is extremely important for the normal development of neurons.


The experiment found that even small amounts of this acid significantly reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. The effect persisted even after increasing the amount of alcohol.

These results show that the brains of chronic alcoholics can be protected with fish oil. Mental degradation can be avoided by taking small amounts of oil.

The team that conducted the experiment warns that this protection is not permanent. Large amounts of alcohol cause irreparable damage to brain cells and sooner or later they age and die.

According to the latest research by US scientists, alcohol makes us unhappy.

The data show that people reach for the cup more often due to stress. Alcohol has been shown to reduce stress levels, but has severe withdrawal effects.

The hangover intensifies negative and unpleasant emotions in the long run.

Researchers have found that both men and women tend to abuse alcohol, driven by grief or anger.
