The Coffee Before It Reached Us

The Coffee Before It Reached Us
The Coffee Before It Reached Us

As a hot or cold drink, coffee is used by almost all nations.

Coffee has become a favorite drink of people of all ages because of its pleasant specific aroma and taste. It has no nutritional value, but the small amount of caffeine it contains has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. That is why some people drink it as an invigorating and relaxing remedy.

Raw, unroasted coffee is odorless and its infusion is even unpleasant. In order to obtain a pleasant, aromatic and strong coffee infusion, the coffee beans must be roasted and, after cooling, ground.

Ground coffee easily absorbs side odors and quickly loses its aroma, so it should be stored in glass jars or metal boxes, which are tightly closed with a lid.

When making coffee at home, great care is needed. The fast and even roasting of the coffee has a favorable effect on the taste and aroma of the infusion.

The surest sign that coffee is well roasted is the fat that appears on the surface of the beans and makes them shine. Immediately afterwards, pour the coffee into a thin container in a thin layer and cover with a double-folded towel. It was ground after it had cooled completely.

For Turkish coffee it is ground finely, and for black coffee - coarser.


Coffee can be served at any time of the day, as well as in all seasons. It is taken with special pleasure in the morning or in the afternoon.

It is not good to drink coffee just before eating, although many take it as an appetite stimulant.

Coffee can be served with a cup of liqueur, small cakes, cake, Easter cake, fruit cake or cake.

Turkish coffee is poured into special small cups, while black coffee, instant coffee and melange are served in larger cups.
