Perfect Presentation Of The Dishes! How To Achieve It?

Perfect Presentation Of The Dishes! How To Achieve It?
Perfect Presentation Of The Dishes! How To Achieve It?

We are used to thinking that serving food is a higher academic and exact science, in which rules and traditions mean a lot, a lot.

But imagine for a second that you can forget about the nutrition label] and serve food so that its appearance evokes an incredible and irresistible desire to eat.

In this article we will collect the rules for beautiful presentation of dishes.

1. Reduce portions

Every chef will tell you that the beauty of a dish lies in its brevity. In the pursuit of aesthetics, it is worth reducing portions to a minimum. If necessary, it is better to serve an extra portion.

2. Create contrast

Contrast the colors in the dish
Contrast the colors in the dish

Our brain is so structured that it responds to bright, contrasting colors more than to monotonous shades or faded colors.

The more contrasting the dish, the stronger our emotional interest and, as a result, our appetite.

To create contrast, you can use unusual dishes, tablecloths, herbs and other products that you think can become part of the taste and color palette of the perfectly presented dish.

3. More accumulation

Let the salad be cut into large pieces and the yolk to flow from the fried eggs - all this will enhance the feeling of naturalness of the ingredients.

4. More simplicity

Beautiful dishes
Beautiful dishes

The simpler and smaller the plate, the more beautiful the food on it looks. This rule really works, so don't ignore it.

5. Show the best sides

Find out what is the brightest component of the dish, which can become the main visual note of the serving.

6. Bottles and boards

Beautiful presentation of the dish
Beautiful presentation of the dish

Serve sandwiches directly on the cutting board, and drinks in jars with jam - such experiments will favorably affect the perception of food and will make eating a real feast.

7. More naturalness

Put a slice of lemon, torn greens by hand, bread, broken into uneven pieces - all this appeals to something interesting and delicious.

Now is the time when it is not necessary to follow the laws of table etiquette and you can eat with your hands everything that pleases the appearance. And and the presentation of the dish will be perfect!
