Achieve A Balanced Diet With These Easy Tips

Achieve A Balanced Diet With These Easy Tips
Achieve A Balanced Diet With These Easy Tips

When you eat a variety of foods, but do not exceed the calories you need, you provide your body with enough nutrients. Each group must eat food, which means:

- four types of fruit per day;

- five types of vegetables per day;

- Three types of grains a day;

- Three types of skimmed or low-fat dairy products every day.

It is good for you:

- Eat sweet temptations in moderation;

- Eat fish or chicken at least once a week;

- Limit fat intake to 25-30 percent of daily calories;

- To consume red meat in moderation;

- Eat less than 1 tablespoon of salt a day;

- Drink alcohol in moderation - two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.


You can maintain a healthy weight by not eating a lot of calories. You should exercise every day for at least 30-40 minutes every day with physical exercises and loads. This will burn enough calories to keep your weight the same. If you need to lose weight, increase exercise to 60-90 minutes a day.

You need to learn to cook your food healthier. Here is an example of how to make a healthy hamburger. It will be more useful, but just as tasty as its original version. Then gather your family, try it and see if they like it.

- Try to use meat that is fat-free, such as chicken or minced turkey. It is less saturated fat than beef and pork;

- Grilling will significantly reduce the fat content of the burger compared to frying;

- Put in it low-fat cheese instead of full-fat, which you are so used to;

- Replace the loaf of white bread with one of wholemeal flour, which is rich in fiber;

- Put fresh raw vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber, tomato and chopped red onion;

- Instead of adding french fries, cut the potatoes into slices, spread them with a little olive oil and bake them in the oven until crispy.
