Buffalo For The Lady, Broccoli For Her Husband

Buffalo For The Lady, Broccoli For Her Husband
Buffalo For The Lady, Broccoli For Her Husband

Men and women need radically different foods that suit the structure of their body, say Italian nutritionists.

Here's what men should consume:

In the first place is the tomato sauce. It is very important for men as it supplies them with the valuable substance lycopene. It reduces the risk of prostate disease.

However, lycopene does not reach a man's body if eaten without fat. Therefore, it is good to have olive oil in the salad or tomato sauce to be consumed directly with the pizza on which it is spread.

The man should eat and oysters. Two of them are enough to provide him with the daily dose of zinc, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.


Sometimes low testosterone levels are due to a lack of certain nutrients, including zinc. However, excess zinc is dangerous to health.

Broccoli is also good for cavaliers. They protect their bladder from disease. It is enough to eat broccoli at least five times a week. If they don't like them, ordinary cabbage will also work.

Peanut butter spread on a toasted slice for breakfast is the perfect meal early in the morning. It protects the heart from diseases and lowers the level of harmful triglycerides.

Watermelons are an ideal food for men, as they lower blood pressure thanks to the potassium they contain. Two large slices a day and blood problems are forgotten.

And here's what's good for ladies:


Papaya - contains vitamin C in huge quantities and protects against bile diseases that often affect women. In second place is flaxseed, which is used mainly for taste and aroma.

But scientists say the seeds are rich in compounds known as lignans. They are a potential weapon against breast diseases - it is enough to eat flaxseed cakes or add it to your salad. Lignans are not found in linseed oil.

Tofu - this is one of the most useful women's foods, as it strengthens bones and reduces problems during menopause. This is due to the isoflavones found in soy - they are very similar in structure to estrogen.

Buffalo meat is very useful for women as they lose blood cells during a cycle. Low levels of iron in the body cause fatigue.

Buffalo is good for the body, it does not fill. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and dock are also very useful for women. They contain a lot of vitamin K, which strengthens the bone system.
