Fast At Least Once A Month To Be Smarter And More Resourceful

Fast At Least Once A Month To Be Smarter And More Resourceful
Fast At Least Once A Month To Be Smarter And More Resourceful

Fasting at least once a month, in addition to ridding you of toxins, will also sharpen your mind, according to a new study cited by New Scientist. Hunger is good for the mind because it makes neurons more energetic.

So people who are only on the water at least one day a month tend to think faster and more inventively.

Starvation causes changes in the brain that give more energy to neurons and the ability to make more connections, and the more connections there are, the safer it is to trust our thoughts.

In their experiments, Mark Matson and his team at the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Maryland, used 40 mice, some of which were put on a special diet.

One group ate regularly, while the other was on a stricter diet and was deprived of food once a month.

The final results showed that in starving people, the brain chemical BDNF, a neurotrophic growth factor that constantly produces new neural connections, was twice as high as the mice that ate regularly.


Fasting also has a purely health benefit because it helps the body get rid of harmful toxins that have entered it through air, water and food.

Purification of the body also benefits the psyche because it makes a person more balanced and calm.
