Do Traditional Diets Shorten Our Lives?

Do Traditional Diets Shorten Our Lives?
Do Traditional Diets Shorten Our Lives?

Diets are extremely popular in our modern society. They are appointed and self-appointed on various occasions - to cleanse the body, lose weight or due to illness.

Separately, each country in the world has its own traditions in nutrition, which have been followed by people for many years. These established stereotypes of nutrition affect the health of entire nations.

However, there are many harmful eating habits that cause a lot of damage to the whole body. According to studies by experts because harmful diets 11 million people worldwide lose their lives every year. According to this indicator, diets turn out to be a bigger killer than cigarette smoke and cause the death of one in five people in the world.

A global study covering all continents was supposed to analyze the ways in which people around the world are dying. Part of the overall analysis was the assessment of eating habits in the countries studied to determine what percentage traditional diets are the cause of early death.

Here are some indicators to guess dangerous diet:

- It contains too much salt - it has killed three million people worldwide;

- Contains very few whole grains - because of this, three million people also lost their lives;

- It is characterized by very low fruit consumption - this has led to the death of two million people;

- It is characterized by low consumption of nuts, seeds, vegetables, lack of fiber, omega - fatty acids from seafood.

A diet high in salt is dangerous
A diet high in salt is dangerous

Almost all deaths related to eating habits are due to heart disease. And that explains why salty foods are such a big problem.

Real cardio protectors are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. They alleviate heart problems.

The rest of the diet-related deaths are from diabetes and cancer. Healthy foods such as nuts and seeds are lacking in many diets around the world. They are full of good fats and will not gain weight.

Carbonated drinks, which are very popular all over the world, are a problem due to the content of sugars and harmful ingredients.

Among the countries that are doing well are those that follow the Mediterranean diet. Of all the countries, Israel has the lowest mortality rate thanks to a good menu. At the other pole is Uzbekistan. China and other Asian countries are also among the leaders in high mortality due to nutrition due to the use of spices with a lot of salt.
