9 Vegetables With A Lot Of Protein! They Will Keep You Full For A Long Time

9 Vegetables With A Lot Of Protein! They Will Keep You Full For A Long Time
9 Vegetables With A Lot Of Protein! They Will Keep You Full For A Long Time

Popeye is known for constantly bragging about his huge biceps. What is his secret? We all know - spinach. But this is not the only vegetable that can give us energy and strength.

Many vegetables contain 2 grams of protein for 1 cup raw or half a cup cooked. So any vegetable containing 2 or more grams per serving can be considered high protein vegetables.

Sounds pointless when you compare it to, say, 31 grams of protein contained in chicken breast. But even the small amount of protein in vegetables can make a significant contribution to meeting the body's need for protein if the recommended 5-10 servings a day are consumed.

However, there is a catch. Vegetable proteins are "incomplete" proteins, which means that they are not composed of all the essential amino acids. It is important to make sure that you eat the full range of vegetables and grains that are recommended to make sure you are getting a variety of amino acids. Which means don't just eat a lot of broccoli every day.

So, on your next purchase, look for the vegetables that we have collected for you in our gallery, and which are leaders in the content of useful substances for the body and a lot of protein.

For one medium potato: 145 calories, 0 grams of fat (0 grams of saturated), 34 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of sugar, 8 mg of sodium, 2 g of fiber, 3 g of protein./page
