How To Keep The Fruit Fresh For A Long Time?

How To Keep The Fruit Fresh For A Long Time?
How To Keep The Fruit Fresh For A Long Time?

Everyone knows that the best and longest way to store fruit is to dry it, freeze it or preserve it. However, it is difficult to store them fresh without subjecting them to any heat treatment. Namely, in this way they are the most delicious and do not lose a single part of their valuable substances. That is why here we will introduce you to some effective methods of storing fresh fruit for a longer time:

- Fruits that have a thicker rind and a denser tissue are the easiest to store. Such are apples, quinces, pears and others. Fruits such as raspberries and strawberries cannot be stored for long without having to heat them;

- If you have your own orchard, remember that the best time to pick the fruit is immediately after the dew rises, as well as before the hot hours of the day;

- When picking the fruit yourself, it is good to sort them and put them in crates. It is desirable to wrap larger fruits such as apples and pears in paper so as not to injure themselves. Moreover, if a fruit begins to rot, it will not affect the others, as long as it is wrapped;


- When you want to store apples and pears for a longer time, choose winter varieties. Of the apples resistant are the varieties Red Superb, Golden Superb, Aivania, Kassel Rennet, Canadian Rennet, Jonathan and others. When storing pears, choose Zima Dekanka, Hardenpontova, Paskrasan, Popska, etc.;

- Quinces are among the fruits that are easiest to store and last the longest. Rely on meat varieties, not imported ones;

- When you want to store softer fruits such as raspberries and strawberries, it is very important to keep them in the refrigerator and wash them just before eating;


- The grapes can also be stored for a longer time, but must be arranged in crates in a row. A good method is to put them in sawdust to which 10% crushed charcoal has been added together with 0.1% powdered sulfur.
