Herbal Medicine: How To Prepare Paws, Decoctions, Infusions?

Herbal Medicine: How To Prepare Paws, Decoctions, Infusions?
Herbal Medicine: How To Prepare Paws, Decoctions, Infusions?

Infusions and decoctions are aqueous extracts of herbs that are prepared in a similar way. The infusion usually includes the flowers and leaves of the plant, while the decoction uses its stem, roots and bark. The herbs are placed in a porcelain or glass container, closed, flooded with the required amount of water and heated in a water bath.

The other way is to put them in a suitable container, pour boiling water over them and cook for 20-30 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly, so that they do not boil. Then allow to cool and strain. They are drunk according to the prescriptions. Do not use aluminum, copper, tin dishes, but porcelain and glass.

Do not let the herbs brew for more than a few hours.

Infusions and decoctions should not be drunk too cold. They have a great effect when they are warm.

Store them in a dark and cool place for no more than 3 days. It is recommended to prepare a fresh dose every day. Follow the instructions for the duration of use of an herb and do not interrupt the treatment to benefit from it.

Tincture (tincture)

Herbal medicine: How to prepare paws, decoctions, infusions?
Herbal medicine: How to prepare paws, decoctions, infusions?

For tincture (tincture) herbs are prepared without heating, only with the help of alcohol. The infusion is an extract of alcohol, alcohol-water and alcohol-ether base. The herb is placed in a suitable container and filled with alcohol (usually 40 or 70 degrees).

Normal ratio between herbs and alcohol should be 1: 5, but if the plant has a very strong effect, it contains hazardous substances, then 1:10 is the correct dosage. The infusion should stay that way for 1-2 weeks. It is then filtered several times until a clear liquid with a characteristic aroma is obtained. Take a few drops daily.


Extracts are also extracts of herbs, they can be dry, thick and liquid. Most times they are bought ready-made, as their acquisition requires special conditions that will be difficult to create at home.


Herbal medicine: How to prepare paws, decoctions, infusions?
Herbal medicine: How to prepare paws, decoctions, infusions?

From some stronger herbs you can prepare a paw with which to apply the affected area and soothe the pain. It is enough to grind or grind the plants and add a little warm water to them to make a slurry.


To prepare an herbal compress, you need to put the plants in boiling water, close the container and keep them there until they soften. Then drain them and transfer to cheesecloth or other thin cloth. Apply the compress to the affected area and cover it with other thicker towels.
