What We Need To Know About The Bacteria In The Stomach

What We Need To Know About The Bacteria In The Stomach
What We Need To Know About The Bacteria In The Stomach

Everyone knows that many bacteria live in the human body. Their number varies, and the species are about 500. Most of them live in the intestine. There they are provided with the ideal conditions for reproduction - a constant temperature and influx of nutrients.

Scientists have proven that bacteria are likely to have surprisingly large effects on various processes in the human body, including body weight.

The composition of different types of bacterial colonies in the intestinal tract, for example, determines whether a person is obese or thin.


The amount and type of bacteria in the stomach determines our desire to eat more or less, as well as a person's appetite for different foods.

And it is in people with normal weight and those who are obese, live different types of bacteria, which determines the difference in weight.

Every organism, human or animal, is born with a sterile digestive tract. Gradually it settles with bacteria contained in the first food and the environment.


About 100 trillion bacteria live in the human digestive system. If they are taken out and weighed, they will turn out to weigh about 1 kg. They differ in about 300 to 1000 different subspecies. The role of most of them is to support the digestion and assimilation of food. This is done through the production of special enzymes.

They break down carbohydrates, fiber or fat. Other bacteria produce vitamin K or B, which the body is unable to synthesize on its own. They also contribute to the breakdown of certain drugs or the destruction of hormones that are not currently needed.

One of the interesting regularities is that if bacteria from an overweight animal are populated in the newborn's body, he immediately acquires the same characteristics - increased appetite and weak immunity, which determines the tendency to inflammation.

This tendency to gain weight remains permanent in the future, even if food is limited. It follows that various bacteria inhabit the stomachs of obese and weak people.

Another interesting fact is that the differences in the composition of bacteria are less in relatives than between people without blood ties. Scientists have found that there are discrepancies even in bacteria of the same species in different people.
