Are Pickles Useful?

Are Pickles Useful?
Are Pickles Useful?

Like all other nations, Bulgarians have a traditional menu and a typical way of eating. Especially during the winter season, there is almost no table in our latitudes that does not serve sauerkraut, pickles, pickled peppers and especially pickles, which, as we know, is one of the main appetizers for brandy. However, few realize that this type of eating is unhealthy, however, these harmful culinary habits are repeated for decades and passed down from generation to generation.

Why are pickles still harmful? Most of them have a huge content of table salt, which is a huge health hazard, especially for people with cardiovascular disease or prone to obesity. Instead of emphasizing raw fruits and vegetables, Bulgarians prefer sweets and pickles. Few of our compatriots realize that these "delicacies" are harmful to the stomach. The championship in the "bad ranking" is led by sauerkraut, which is present daily in the dishes of most people. There is almost no Bulgarian family that does not prepare winter food every season.

The process itself is anaerobic fermentation, carried out in the "environment" of the marinade or brine. Microorganisms secrete lactic, butyric and acetic acid, various alcohols and compounds. Spices such as garlic, dill, parsley, black pepper, cumin and others are often added to the winter food. The end result is - a product with extremely salty or sour taste. Sugar is also present in almost every recipe, which "enriches" the nuance of healthy food.

Pregnant and pickles
Pregnant and pickles

Vegetables can be stored for months, but will their nutritional qualities be the same? The answer is no. Most of the vitamins disappear as a result of the brined / marinated environment and the heat treatment. The beneficial properties are replaced by a high concentration of salty and acidic agents, which contribute to the spicier taste of these foods.

Apart from being an enemy of people with high blood pressure, pickles are one of the causes of gastritis - another disease common among our compatriots. High levels of acidity in its contents damage the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

We are already in the season of pickles, sauerkraut and cucumbers. This is a food that is a favorite of most Bulgarians, who would find it difficult to write it off from their menu. However, stick to the balance. Probably the sentence applies to winter food as well - to be consumed with pleasure and moderation.
