Who Are The Animals We Eat Alive?

Who Are The Animals We Eat Alive?
Who Are The Animals We Eat Alive?

Products of animal origin have been present in Bulgarian cuisine for a long time. Pacha, grilled veal tongue and boiled pork legs are just some of our favorite dishes.

But while in our country all these delicacies have undergone heat treatment, in many parts of the world the tradition dictates that animals be eaten while they are still moving. Here are some of the popular and exotic, live dishesthat world cuisine can offer you:

Drunk shrimp - this is a dish typical of Asian latitudes, but is most often served in China. Shrimp are served in a bowl with 40-60-degree alcohol. They should be pushed into the mouth while still moving.

Live fish - the traditional Japanese dish is also known as ikizukuri. Live fish are actually killed just before they are eaten. What may bother you in this case is that the pulsating heart of the animal will be placed in front of you on your plate. There will also be the head of the fish, which will move its mouth.

Live octopus - the dish is typical of Korean cuisine. The locals will offer it to you in a sesame dressing and like nothing to enjoy.


Sea urchin - these bizarre creatures are an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine. This part of them, which is edible, is located inside the sea urchin and is removed with a spoon.

Bat - many do not even imagine this creature on their plate, but for Asians the bat in coconut sauce is a real feast for the palate. Before serving, the animal is placed in a vessel with boiling water. Shortly afterwards you will see it in front of you, richly drizzled with coconut sauce.

Oysters - they are a favorite of many people, but in fact few of them realize that they eat them alive. Their meat is much more tender than that of most animals and therefore does not require heat treatment.

Sardinian cheese - part of Italian cuisine. This type of cheese is made from goat's milk, but it is very different from the goat's cheese that we are used to eating in our country. The delicacy is consumed together with the larvae and this makes its taste unusual and quite interesting.
