The Secret Of Weak Women

The Secret Of Weak Women
The Secret Of Weak Women

Do you know the secret of weak women? Those who eat what they want and when they want without gaining weight? It is not the quantity that matters, but how they combine the foods and how they relate to them.

Weak people do not calm down with food, nor do they deprive themselves of it like those who go on a diet. Diets reduce metabolism, the body remains hungry and accumulates calories for "rainy days".

Many people who struggle with excess weight suffer the yo-yo effect - they starve and then cram, which means that they lose weight, but then regain it twice.

If you want to eat properly, keep in mind the caloric content of food, ie. how many calories are there per 100 grams of a product. This is a slightly tedious activity, but when there is a problem, there must be a solution.

Eat large amounts of low-calorie foods, but not large amounts of high-calorie foods. Important rule: emphasize fresh foods and products that have not undergone strong heat treatment, hydrogenation and refining processes.

Hunger and appetite go hand in hand in weight control. This is a useful measure Saturation index, compiled by Dr. Susan Holt of the University of Sydney.

White bread is accepted as a standard and other foods are compared to it. It is calculated by the time it will take after you eat a food before you become hungry again.

In general, the more fiber, protein and water we have in our diet, the higher our satiety rate will be.

Satiety rate of some of the most used foods:

Stewed potatoes - 232;

White fish - 225;

Oatmeal - 209;

Oranges - 202;

Apples - 197;

Brown spaghetti - 188;

Veal - 179;

Grapes - 162;

Wholemeal bread - 157;

Corn - 154;

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

Eggs - 150;

Cheese - 146;

Brown rice - 138;

White rice - 132;

Salty biscuits - 127;

White spaghetti - 119;

Cornflakes - 118;

Bananas - 118;

Cereals - 116;

French fries - 116;

White bread - 100;

Ice cream - 96;

Yogurt - 88;

Peanuts - 84;

Donut - 68;

Cupcake - 65;

Croissant - 47.

Eat normally, including the above products in your menu, and in negative time you will feel better and lose a few pounds.
