How Much To Eat To Be Full Without Overeating

Video: How Much To Eat To Be Full Without Overeating

Video: How Much To Eat To Be Full Without Overeating
Video: 9 Strategies to Stop Overeating 2024, October
How Much To Eat To Be Full Without Overeating
How Much To Eat To Be Full Without Overeating

Among the basic rules for a healthy lifestyle is the protection against overeating. To meet this requirement, we need to apply the following maxim in our daily lives: "We must get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger."

In other words, it is absolutely contraindicated to tread greedily until we feel full.

The feeling of satiety can be true or false.

The real thing depends on your blood sugar level. Surely you, after taking 2-3 lumps of sugar, have felt full for a long time, which is a completely real feeling. As a result, efficiency and concentration increase.

This is because by eating the sugars, you have raised the sugar level to what the cells need to function properly.

The false feeling of satiety depends on the degree of enlargement of the stomach. In its wall are nerve endings called baroreceptors that respond to stretching.

When the stretch reaches certain limits, the activity of the digestive glands is blocked and the appetite disappears.

In order for a real feeling of satiety to occur, it takes some time for the food to break down, for the blood sugar to be absorbed.

This happens 20-30 minutes after the end of the meal. Therefore, even if you get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger and the thought that you could eat something else, after 20-30 minutes this feeling disappears.

At the same time, the amount of food eaten will not be excessive and will not affect either the ability to work or health.

If you are guided by the degree of expansion of the stomach, you will get up from the table with an overloaded digestive system.

Unnecessarily abundant food adversely affects both the digestive organs and metabolism in the body as a whole.
