How To Make Bread Soft And Puffy?

How To Make Bread Soft And Puffy?
How To Make Bread Soft And Puffy?

Have you tried soft, fragrant and the bread swelled, just taken out of the oven? Decades ago, small public bakeries sold such bread. It was so sweet and soft that it ended halfway home.

Today, in large chain stores you can find only factory-made and in most cases sliced bread, which is far from the perfect taste known to many people. This can now be prepared only at home, but if some basic requirements are met.

The first condition for making fluffy bread is to be well baked. The inside of properly baked bread remains soft and the crust is crispy. To be airy and soft, it needs a leavening agent. The leavening agent for bread in the past was yeast, now yeast is used. The options are between dry and live yeast. Preferably alive, it provides that airy essence of bread that everyone likes.

The second condition is flour. His choice is important. Not every flour is equally good to prepare from it the main food of the Bulgarian. Flour type 500 is a good idea. If you have type 450, leave it for sweets and get what you need. The storage of the raw material is also an important point. Wet flour will ruin your idea right from the start. In addition, it should be remembered that it is sifted immediately before kneading the dough.

soft bread
soft bread

Another condition is to follow very strictly the order of addition of the individual ingredients. It is said that yeast, salt and sugar should not be mixed and this should be observed. The truth is that sugar helps the dough to rise, while salt makes it thicker, and this should be kept in mind when kneading if you are looking for a result. puffed and soft bread.

The skill is in kneading and according to the people with the longest experience, the dough must be hit a hundred times in the table to get the desired result. This means slow and prolonged kneading to allow gluten to develop to produce this airy effect.

The last moment is baking. In the past, the home oven was mandatory for every home because of the preparation of bread. Today, the oven is not so successful, but the sense and experience can make your home smell fresh and delicious soft bread.
