The Tangzong Method Keeps The Bread Soft And Fluffy For Days

The Tangzong Method Keeps The Bread Soft And Fluffy For Days
The Tangzong Method Keeps The Bread Soft And Fluffy For Days

Tangzong is a method used in the production of bread that should create soft and fluffy bread. Its origins date back to Japan. However, it was popularized throughout Southeast Asia in 1990 by a Chinese woman named Yvonne Chen, who wrote a book called 65 ° Bread Doctor. Using this method allows the bread to stay fresh for longer without the need to use artificial preservatives.

To be done Tangzong, you need to mix together one part flour to five parts liquid to make a smooth paste. This is usually water, but can be milk or a mixture of both.

The mixture is then heated in a saucepan until it reaches exactly 65 ° C, removed from the heat, covered and allowed to cool to room temperature when it is ready for use. It would be useful to have a digital thermometer with a probe to accurately measure the temperature.

If you don't make bread right away, The Tangzong will keep in the refrigerator for a few days, but you will need to leave it at room temperature before switching to use. Tangzong is added to the main flour together with the liquid - mixing them during kneading is quite normal.

The amount of Tangzong used to make bread should be about 35% of the weight of the main flour. It is best to put a little more, as the liquid will evaporate slightly during baking.

To make bread weighing about 1 kg, it is recommended to use 480 g of flour, 200 g of liquid and 170 g of Tangzong (made with 30 grams of flour and 150 grams of liquid), which will give about 68% hydration. You can, of course, adjust the amount of liquid, but the proportions of Tangzong do not need to be adjusted.
