3 Ways To Cook Beans

3 Ways To Cook Beans
3 Ways To Cook Beans

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For easier cooking of beans, we suggest you soak it in the evening - in some recipes it is soaked only with water, in others with water and a teaspoon of salt.

When the actual cooking starts, you can discard the first water as soon as it boils. Some housewives add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, after the beans boil, wait for 10 minutes to boil, then pour the water and pour a new one. Of course, you also need to rinse the beans.

We have prepared three recipes for beans. For our first offer you need about ½ kg of beans, 2 onions, carrots, peppers, tomato or tomato juice, paprika, oil, a little savory, salt, mint.

If you have already soaked the beans for one night, it is time to put it in a pot with enough water and turn on the stove. During this time, chop onions, carrots, tomatoes and put them next to the beans.

Bobena Yahnia
Bobena Yahnia

Once it boils, add the spices - salt and savory and switch to a lower setting. When soft and ready, remove from the heat and add the dried mint. For stir-fry, we suggest heating oil and adding a teaspoon of paprika. Mix well and gradually add the beans. Bring to a boil and turn off.

The next recipe is a little different, because we will add a little sorrel to the beans. Here are the products you need:

Bean stew

Necessary products: 1 ½ teaspoon beans, 6 cloves garlic, ¼ kg sorrel, 1 tablespoon fresh mint, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon red pepper, oil, salt, 1 tablespoon flour.

Recipes for Bob
Recipes for Bob

Preparation: In this recipe you put beans to soak with a teaspoon of salt from the night before. The next day we put it on the stove to boil and soften.

During this time, fry the onion and garlic in a separate bowl and after they change color, put the flour, which we have previously baked in a dry pan and mixed with a little cold water (about 1 tsp). Remove the pan from the heat and add red pepper, stir, then add a ladle of the broth to the already cooked beans.

In another suitable dish put to fry sliced sorrel. Then pour the onion and sorrel over the cooked beans, salt and add fresh mint. The stew should simmer for another twenty minutes.

Our latest suggestion is for rice beans. After soaking for a few hours, bring it to a boil on the stove and cook for about 15 minutes. Then discard the water and add a new one - wait for it to boil, to soften. To 400 g of beans add 1 onion, finely chopped, chopped 4 roasted peppers, 2 -3 tablespoons oil.

Just before the beans are completely soft, you need to add 1 teaspoon of rice, as well as another onion, which you have stewed together with 3 tomatoes and a little oil. Add black pepper, mint and parsley and cook until fully cooked.
