Cheese Will Save Humanity From Nightmares

Cheese Will Save Humanity From Nightmares
Cheese Will Save Humanity From Nightmares

Cheese will save humanity from nightmares at night! This is the conclusion of British scientists and is the result of an unusual experiment.

200 Englishmen took part in it. Their task was simple - before going to bed they kneaded 20 grams of cheese.

The experiment lasted one week. As a result of cheese intake, more than two-thirds of those surveyed had no nightmares, their sleep was peaceful and they even remembered their dreams in the smallest detail.

Scientists explain this as follows: cheese contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps relieve stress and normalize sleep.

Nutritionists are adamant that cheese is one of the most useful foods as a source of fat, protein, organic salts and vitamins. That is why cheese is often present in diets.

Cheese stimulates the appetite, stimulates digestive juices and absorption of food. Cheese is especially needed for people whose work requires a lot of energy.

The large amount of mineral salts makes cheese an important product for feeding children, teenagers, nursing mothers. Only 150 grams of cheese a day are enough to fully meet the body's needs for mineral salts. That is why the cheese is useful in fractures, as well as tuberculosis.
