Healing Recipes With Bakopa Monieri

Healing Recipes With Bakopa Monieri
Healing Recipes With Bakopa Monieri

Bakopa monieri is the only herb that successfully chases ginkgo biloba in the fight against memory loss. Also called Brahmi, the perennial herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

It is used to treat problems such as poor memory and brain fog. Nowadays, its possibilities are being confirmed. It is found in the swampy regions of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, Florida (USA), Hawaii and the southern states.

One of the first scientific proofs of the properties of Bakopa monieri is a brain study conducted in 1996. It proves that long-term consumption of Bakopa powder reduces the amount of time required to store new information by as much as 50 percent.

In 2002, another study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology showed that Bacopa had a "significant effect" on the ability of subjects to memorize new information.

Along with coconut oil, regular intake of the herb can protect us from more serious conditions. After many studies, it has been concluded that Bakopa monieri may help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Bakopa Monieri
Bakopa Monieri

In Ayurveda - Indian traditional medicine, in addition to memory, Brahmi is also used to relieve epilepsy and asthma, inflammation, pain, fever and as an intoxicant. Its intake improves immunity.

Before resorting to the use of Brahmi, make sure of the Latin name of the extract / extract you buy / consume, so as not to be confused. It is Centella asiatica. Brahmi extract contains many active ingredients such as alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and others.

Bakopa monieri powder does not taste good. It is best consumed in the form of herbal capsules or mixed in a shake. It is most popular in the form of an extract.

In human studies, the doses taken were 100 to 300 mg of standardized Bacopa moniere extract per day. It is best to consult a doctor or follow the instructions on the package.

The plant extract is not recommended for nursing mothers, pregnant women, babies and young children. In people suffering from chronic problems of the gastrointestinal tract, they should consult their doctor.
