Why Is The Consumption Of Canned Food Harmful?

Why Is The Consumption Of Canned Food Harmful?
Why Is The Consumption Of Canned Food Harmful?

Since ancient times, people have sought to preserve surplus food or seasonal products for longer. They used methods such as drying in the sun, smoking the fire, abundant salting, freezing in ice and others. Finally, the French confectioner Aper discovered a method of preserving food by prolonged cooking in a closed vessel immersed in water. This method is called canning.

During canning, food is sterilized and stored for a long period of time, from one to five years, and sometimes more. Most often, the nutrient content is sealed in metal containers. They are usually steel, covered with a tin layer, but there are also aluminum cans. Canned food is also made in glass containers, most often at home.

There are different opinions about canned foods, very often diametrically opposed. In disputes most often the arguments for harm from canned food are predominant.

What are the real ones harm from canned food and is it really dangerous to health?

The convenience of canned food

First of all, we will briefly dwell on the amenities it provides us canned food in the hectic daily life. They are very easy to use. They are opened and used immediately. In addition, cooking canned products takes very little time, and this is a great advantage. Not insignificant is their price, which is lower than that of fresh products.

Still, canned food is not preferable. They can never be included in the list of high quality foods.

The health risks of eating exclusively canned food on a regular basis are not to be overlooked. Let's look at them briefly.

canned food
canned food

Health risks when using canned food

- They are full of chemicals - there is almost no canned food that is not packed with various preservatives - flavorings, leavening agents, flavors, colors. They serve to give the product the appropriate alluring taste, smell and appearance, as well as to increase the shelf life. However, these supplements damage the digestive system, and some of them are highly toxic.

- Excessively high content of salt, sugar and vinegar - salt disrupts metabolism, sugar is a fast carbohydrate that is harmful to the body, and vinegar is an acid that in large quantities damages the digestive tract. Through canned food, more of these harmful ingredients get into our body, which we cannot control.

- Use of products of untested quality - as they undergo strong processing, it is not clear what quality the products are. The fats and oils used are sometimes out of bounds. Therefore, reading the labels should not be neglected when buying canned food.

- Risk of food poisoning and botulism - food poisoning when using unfit canned food is a very real danger. Particularly dangerous is botulism, which occurs with unsuitable canned meats and mushrooms. As this is a life-threatening condition, it should not be forgotten that at the slightest suspicion of an unfit can, it should be discarded immediately.
