The Most Ridiculous Diets - Baby Puree And Cabbage Soup

The Most Ridiculous Diets - Baby Puree And Cabbage Soup
The Most Ridiculous Diets - Baby Puree And Cabbage Soup

People are able to do incredible nonsense to lose the hated extra pounds. Some of the diets aimed at fast weight loss are stupid and even dangerous to health.

One of these diets is that of Horace Fletcher, who invented the diet based on constant chewing of food. The method requires one hundred chews on each piece.

The Stone Age diet is based on the principle that only products that have been used by cavemen should be consumed. By following this diet, a person becomes deficient in valuable substances contained in milk and cereals, because it is allowed to eat only the meat of wild animals, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Among the craziest diets is based on baby puree. According to her, it is best to eat what is intended for children. It is recommended to consume small portions of pureed food fourteen times a day.

The most ridiculous diets - baby puree and cabbage soup
The most ridiculous diets - baby puree and cabbage soup

One of the disadvantages of this diet is the insufficient consumption of protein, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass and can slow down the metabolism.

The diet, called the Master of Purification, was developed by Stanley Barus, who wrote a book called The Diet. Many Hollywood stars became followers of this principle of weight loss.

This diet is also known as the lemonade diet or the maple syrup diet. It consists in consuming for forty days only a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water.

According to experts, this diet is downright deadly, as it leads to loss of muscle mass, sharply reduces blood sugar levels, leads to vitamin deficiency and other unpleasant consequences.

The popular cabbage soup-based diet is also not the most beneficial for the body. The idea is to eat several plates of cabbage soup a day for a week.

However, this diet poses dangers to your health, as you exclude several food groups at the same time, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and ultimately has a bad effect on your health and appearance.

The sweet-based diet was created by Dr. Sanford Siegel. The idea is to deceive hunger by stuffing yourself with special sweets at each bout of hunger. This diet prohibits other foods, as well as any physical exertion, as the calories you eat will only be enough to chew a few cookies.
