Soup Diets

Soup Diets
Soup Diets

The latest and most popular diet guarantees weight loss of four kilograms in just seven days. In addition, anyone who applies it will get in perfect shape. The only condition is not to use alcohol during the diet, as it will disrupt the process of removing fat from the body.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed again no earlier than 24 hours after the end of the diet.

The main thing that is consumed in this diet is the soup. Here's how to make it:

Necessary products: 3 onions or leeks, 2-3 tomatoes (canned), 2 green peppers, 1 cube vegetable broth, 1 carrot, 3-4 broccoli roses, 1 bunch of chervil.

Vegetable soup
Vegetable soup

Method of preparation: Cut the vegetables into small pieces and pour water over them. Season with salt, pepper, curry - optional. Bring to the boil, then leave for another 10 minutes on high heat. When this happens, reduce the heat and leave on the stove until the vegetables are soft.

The most important thing about this miraculous soup is that it does not accumulate calories in the body. It can be eaten in unlimited quantities. This is the main thing during the diet - starving testers, just eat another serving of soup.

During the diet there are several rules that must be followed. Deviations from the daily menu are prohibited, and the consumption of products such as bread and carbonated beverages is prohibited.

Sample menu:

Day 1: In addition to the soup, unlimited amounts of fruit without bananas are allowed on this day. Tea or coffee without sweeteners, milk and carrot juice, water are also allowed.

Day 2: During this day, in addition to soup, eat fresh or canned vegetables and skim cheese. However, legumes, corn and green peas are not recommended. Boiled potatoes with butter can be eaten for lunch. Only water is allowed from the drinks.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Day 3: Soup, fruits and vegetables except baked potatoes, legumes and bananas. Of the drinks - only water.

Day 4: In addition to the soup, fruits are also allowed, this time including bananas. Vegetables are also without restrictions. In addition to drinking water, low-fat milk is also allowed.

Day 5: During this day, soup is consumed in combination with 300-600 grams of beef. Drink plenty of water.

Day 6: Beef with green vegetables is allowed. Drink only water and eat soup in unlimited quantities.

Day 7: In addition to soup, the menu for the day should include brown semolina halva, fruit juice without sweeteners and vegetables.

After the end of the diet, it is good to walk, ride a bike or do gymnastics until the body gets used to it. And most importantly - after you finish the diet, exclude soup from your menu.
