10 Types Of Sugar - For Taste, Color And Shine

10 Types Of Sugar - For Taste, Color And Shine
10 Types Of Sugar - For Taste, Color And Shine

Cakes, pastries, creams, glazes and so many other palate-pleasing flavors would not be what they are without sugar. Even morning coffee is not the same without a few beans.

We are so used to sugar that we hardly even think about it. For most people, it is just white sugar crystals. In fact, there are at least ten species, and the more one goes into the intricacies of sweets, the more one can encounter them.

Here are the different types of sugar:

White sugar

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

It is the most common type of sugar. It is obtained from sugar beet or sugar cane. It is obtained by separating the residual molasses product, in which all the minerals and salts of the plant remain, in order to separate pure sugars or sucrose.

White sugar is mostly used for baking, it is an integral part of any mixture, which after staying in the oven, becomes an irresistible temptation. It is ideal for measuring and sprinkling on food, as well as for sweetening drinks.

Powdered sugar

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Powdered sugar is finely ground white sugar mixed with a little cornstarch to prevent it from burning. It is also often present in the preparation of many sweet treats, without it neither the freshly baked homemade cake is the same, nor the warm donut bought on the street.

Sugar for decorating

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

This sugar is in larger crystals than ordinary white sugar. This makes it stronger and more resistant to heat. This type of sugar helps to give texture to confectionery and candy. It is mainly used for decorating in all colors of the rainbow. And that means colorful cakes, pastries, mousses, ice cream, a party and a lot of mood!

Granulated sugar

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Granulated sugar is another type of sugar in large crystals. In size, it is somewhere between white sugar and decorative. And this species is used for decoration and can be in many colors. But! Granulated sugar can reflect light and give shine. And who doesn't want his cake to shine?

Brown sugar (light and dark)

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Brown sugar is a white sugar to which warm molasses is added. Both types of brown sugar, light and dark, depend on the amount of molasses in them.

Light brown sugar is the one most often used in baking cakes, sauces and glazes. Dark because of the rich aroma of molasses is used in more saturated foods as a different bread with spices.

Both types of brown sugar can harden if left outdoors often, so it is best to store in a closed, ventilated place.

If it still hardens, you can put it in the microwave for a few seconds or put a piece of bread next to it and leave it for a day.

Custer sugar

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

This sugar has very small crystals. It is mainly used for delicate or smooth desserts such as mousse, meringue or pudding. This type of sugar is ideal for sweetening cold drinks because it does not need heat to dissolve.

Zahar Turbinado

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Turbinado sugar is a raw, partially processed brown sugar in which a small amount of molasses is removed during processing. It is light in color, large crystals and slightly less calories than white sugar, due to the presence of moisture in its contents. Turbinado is mostly used to sweeten drinks, but can also be used in baking cakes.

Sugar Muscovado

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Muscovado is a type of brown sugar, it is very dark in color and has more molasses than light or dark brown sugar. Its crystals are slightly larger than those of ordinary white sugar, and its texture is more moist. It is used in cakes with rich aromas such as ginger bread, coffee cake and others.

Sugar Demerer

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

This is another type of sugar, very popular in England and the United States, most often compared to Turbinado, because both are unrefined. Demera is a large grain, crunchy sugar that is not refined. It is ideal for tea, coffee, dissolved in hot drinks or sprinkled on baked goods.

Coconut sugar

10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine
10 types of sugar - for taste, color and shine

Coconut sugar is an unpopular type of sugar, but it also competes with honey for its good performance. The most characteristic of it is that it has a low glycemic index, which means that when consumed it does not raise blood sugar levels sharply.

It is obtained from the flowers of palm trees and is suitable for consumption by diabetics. It is popular for its reputation for healthy food and can be found in health food stores.
