And Your Dishes Will Shine With These Few Old Tricks

And Your Dishes Will Shine With These Few Old Tricks
And Your Dishes Will Shine With These Few Old Tricks

For added safety, wash glass cups, compote bowls, saucers, etc., glass and crystal utensils separately.

And to get transparency and shine, wash them in one of the following ways:

1. By wiping them with salt, wash with soap and rinse with cold or warm water;

2. By dissolving in the water with which you wash them, a little salt or vinegar and finally rinse them well with clean water. Cover them to drain and wipe them with a dry clean cloth.

To dry the glassware quickly, rinse them with lukewarm water and wipe them with a clean linen cloth; or cover them on a double-folded towel, and after draining the water, wipe them with a soft linen cloth.

When pouring hot liquid or jam, marmalade, jam in glass jars, put under them wooden pads or a towel folded in several layers. The glass container will inevitably crack if placed on a metal pad or cement.

Do not stack glass cups, especially when they are thin. In case you have allowed this and the glasses cannot be taken out, fill the upper glass with cold water and put the lower one in warm water, adding it gradually to heat the water. The upper cup will shrink a little from the cold water, and the lower one will expand from the hot water and you will easily pull the cups apart.

Vases, cups, jugs, ashtrays, and all crystal glass objects become shiny in the following ways:

1. Wipe them with a cloth dipped in alcohol, then with a dry linen cloth;

Cups and plates
Cups and plates

2. Wash with lukewarm water and soap, adding a little blue to the water; add the son to the water with which you rinse them. Wipe them with a dry linen cloth;

3. Wash them with soapy water in which you have dissolved some borax. Also add a little blue to the rinsing water.

When washing crystal glass items, do not use baking soda.

Wash gilded or painted glass items with lukewarm soap-free water and pat dry with a linen cloth.
