The Largest Natural Chocolate Was Made In Peru

The Largest Natural Chocolate Was Made In Peru
The Largest Natural Chocolate Was Made In Peru

Confectioners in Peru have prepared the largest natural chocolate with nuts in the world. The delicacy is 7 meters long and 5 centimeters thick, and the achievement was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records.

In the production of the largest chocolate to use 1 ton of cocoa and 20 kilograms of nuts. The chocolate has a 70% cocoa content, and Peruvians are proud that it is produced in their country.

The sweet temptation was mixed within one working day, and the inspectors from the Guinness Book of Records were present on the spot to present the certificate to the master chefs / see the gallery /.

A similar record attempt has been made in other parts of the world, but for the first time a candidate with such a high concentration of cocoa is a candidate.

Chef Juan Carlo Lopez of the Peruvian Confectioners Association says nearly $ 100,000 has been invested in buying products to make the giant treat.

After their record was officially recognized, the chocolate was cut into large blocks and distributed to those present at the event in the Peruvian capital Lima.

The previous world record for the longest chocolate was set in 2011 in the UK. It was 4 meters long and weighed a little over 5 tons.

Last year in Slovenia they tried to improve this record, but the chefs managed to create a chocolate only 1.5 meters long,
