The Best Chocolate In The World Is Made In Vietnam

The Best Chocolate In The World Is Made In Vietnam
The Best Chocolate In The World Is Made In Vietnam

When we hear chocolate, many of us invariably associate it in our minds with the image of high-quality Belgian or English chocolate. However, true connoisseurs of chocolate temptations will tell you that the most delicious chocolate in the world is actually Vietnamese.

Vietnamese chocolate is gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the great taste and aroma with which they caress the palate and the sense of smell.

The best Vietnamese chocolate is produced on the outskirts of the town of Ho Chi Minh by a small family company according to a unique recipe.

The Marou company produces all the ingredients for the chocolate itself, even picking up the cocoa beans, which it later uses in the production of its chocolates.

But what is the secret of the incredibly delicate and delicious Marou chocolate. It is in several key additives with which the company enriches the traditional recipe.

The basis of chocolate is the cocoa variety Trinitario, which is obtained by mixing two other main varieties. Various additional flavors are added to it, often bizarre and unusual, resulting in a unique product.


After careful selection of cocoa and aromas, the seeds are picked and left to ferment for six days in wooden boxes. They are then removed, spread on bamboo mats and dried in the sun.

This is followed by a re-examination of the grains and manual selection of only the highest quality ones to be used later in the production process.

Roast the beans, remove the pods and grind to a fragrant paste. The paste is heated and sugar is added to it until the mixture liquefies.

Two whole days follow, in which the chocolate paste is constantly stirred. Finally, it is poured into the finished forms and left to cool until ready, after which it is packed and taken on the long way to the shelves in the commercial network.

You can find vanilla chocolate with vanilla and even tobacco flavors.

An interesting fact is that this type of chocolate is not very popular with the Vietnamese, who prefer chocolate to be much sweeter and almost without additional flavors.
