They Made Super Chocolate With Beer Yeast

They Made Super Chocolate With Beer Yeast
They Made Super Chocolate With Beer Yeast

Chocolate is perhaps the most preferred dessert, and beer - among the favorite drinks of many. Now, however, an innovative confectionery product has been created, combining something from both products.

Scientists from the University of Leuven in Belgium used brewer's yeast to make a unique new chocolate, reports the Daily Mail.

To improve the qualities of chocolate, researchers have used the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They are more than convinced that with her help they have created a dessert with amazing properties.

The team involved in the development of the innovative type of chocolate is led by Dr. Verstepen. The scientist discovered something very interesting. He noticed that the specific taste of chocolate is formed when the white pulp that coats the cocoa beans begins to ferment while they are drying.

Usually, once the cocoa balls are collected, they are either stored in wooden containers or scattered on the ground to dry well.

Cocoa beans
Cocoa beans

While this is happening, white pulp appears on the berries, which is definitely not very attractive. This formation is a source of protein, sugar, pectin and other interesting substances. The microbes from the environment then eat the pulp in question.

But in places where chocolate is made, the microbes are different. It is this difference that determines the individual taste of chocolate.

Dr. Verstepen explains that some of the microbes create an unpleasant odor that enters the cocoa dessert and is then more or less felt by consumers. Other microbes do not completely eat the pulp and therefore the grains are then much more difficult to process than the others.

It is in this process that scientists from the University of Leuven decided to include beer yeast. Specialists decided to try a thousand varieties of the strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae to find out which of them produces the most satisfactory results.

Now they are adamant that it not only guarantees the unique aroma of the product, but also prevents the appearance of cocoa fungi. Thanks to it, the quality is guaranteed not only of the chocolate as a whole, but of each individual cocoa bean.
