Anthony Bourdain - The Bad Boy Of The Culinary Business

Anthony Bourdain - The Bad Boy Of The Culinary Business
Anthony Bourdain - The Bad Boy Of The Culinary Business

He does not wear white clothes and tall cook hats. He is rude to obscenity and constantly insults. When he cooks (and not only), he uses an unacceptably large amount of alcohol, and drugs and indiscriminate sex are not "terra incognita" for him. Despite all the above, he is one of the most famous chefs in the world. Meet Anthony Bourdain.

You have to be broad-minded or just Bourdain to cook an African boar's rectum. Not to mention sheep testicles, a specialty in Morocco, or the eye of a seal - a delicacy that few have dared to try.

Known for his peppery language and fresh, slightly cynical sense of humor, Bourdain is an icon for young chefs around the world.

Eating insects
Eating insects

The ease with which he overcomes language and cultural barriers, as well as his tireless adventurous spirit, have won him millions of sworn fans.

Meet the "bad boy of the culinary business" with some of his most iconic quotes, which largely reveal the real Anthony Bourdain.

1. Is there anything better you can do for someone than breakfast?

2. Food reflects everything we are. It is a continuation of our national and ethnic feeling. It reveals our personal history, our region, our tribe, our grandmothers.

3. I don't worry about looking like an idiot most of the time.


4. People are proud of their food, their kitchen. If you just sit and drink with them, without fear or prejudice, they will be found with you. Open and direct, as they would not be to someone who is just looking for interesting stories.

5. My life as a chef requires constant monitoring. But when traveling and eating, you can just let things happen on their own.

6. Don't try to make strict plans and control your vacation. This always leads to a terrible profit, a complete catastrophe.

7. The best vacation plans are… failed. When Plan A fails, you find that there are far more exciting ways to enjoy your vacation.

8. I always try to be myself. But I'm worried that in Tokyo I look like some huge, hairy, and smelly alien. Although I try not to look so damn honest.

9. When you are young, 22, physically healthy and thirsty for knowledge - travel. Go as far as possible, sleep on the floor if necessary. Only in this way will you be able to learn from others, to see how they live, how they eat and cook.

10. Everything can be cooked and eaten. Give me Elvis, salt and vinegar - and I'll eat it.
