How To Eat To Lose Weight

How To Eat To Lose Weight
How To Eat To Lose Weight

Most of us do not eat properly, but as we succeed - it all depends on work, study, different norms and conventions, although if we think about it, we are the ones who choose how to live.

We don't usually have breakfast, we eat anything at lunch, and at dinner we crowd for the last time. Thus, the intervals between meals are too large, and we eat easily digestible carbohydrates.

This really provokes a wolfish appetite - we look forward to dinner, rush to the food and eat two or even three times more than necessary.

The result is sad - overweight, shaky health, bad mood, depression and failure in all areas of life. A special diet, called a portion, helps to improve health and metabolism, makes the body expel toxins and toxins faster.

How to eat to lose weight
How to eat to lose weight

The essence of this method is to eat often, but in small portions. If you cut the portions in half and eat five or six times a day, the hormone that causes the wolf's appetite will not be produced.

Your body will stop storing fat, you will not feel hungry, and you will feel psychologically calmer, knowing that you can eat something every three hours.

The first thing you need to do is reduce the portion size. Try to consume half of your normal portion, and after a few days you can reach perfection by eating portions that fit in a tea cup.

At breakfast, eat carbohydrates that are digested slowly - muesli, wholemeal bread and pasta, fruit. At lunch and dinner, eat protein without combining it with starchy foods - potatoes, pasta.

There should be at least two meals between lunch and dinner, and another before bed. In the evening, focus on yogurt, muesli, fruit and vegetable salads.

Forget about margarine and butter, use only olive oil. Remember that our cells are made up of about eighty-five percent water, so drink two liters of water a day.

Drink a glass of water before each meal to maintain the body's water balance, improve digestion and reduce excess weight.

If you eat once or twice a day, the body begins to eat muscle instead of fat. Then, after a meal, insulin levels rise sharply and calories immediately turn into fat, especially if you have eaten dessert.
