Cheap Citrus And Expensive Eggs Are Waiting For Us For The Holidays

Cheap Citrus And Expensive Eggs Are Waiting For Us For The Holidays
Cheap Citrus And Expensive Eggs Are Waiting For Us For The Holidays

From the data of the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets (SCSBT) it became clear that wholesale prices of oranges, lemons and tangerines have fallen significantly over the past week.

The wholesale price per kilogram of lemons is BGN 1.65, for oranges - BGN 1.22, and for tangerines - BGN 1.31.

In contrast, eggs have registered a strong rise in price. In just 1 week, they have risen in price by 5.6% and are now sold for an average of BGN 0.19 per share.

In the largest supermarkets, eggs have risen in price by about 2 stotinki for size M and by 5 stotinki for size L.


The difference in this direction is most noticeable in Ruse, where eggs have risen in price by 7 stotinki in size M and 10 stotinki in size L.

During the past week, the average retail price of eggs of size M in large retail chains was BGN 0.25 per piece.

An increase in the price is also observed for greenhouse cucumbers, as the price has risen to BGN 2.13 per kilogram.

For now, the oil has kept its price, as in large retail outlets its average price is BGN 2.67 per liter.

Apples, potatoes and cabbage are also unchanged. A kilo of apples sells for an average of BGN 0.98, a kilo of potatoes - for BGN 0.73, and a kilo of cabbage costs BGN 0.35.


In the large food chains the type 500 flour has decreased by 1%, as in the sites in Sofia, Pazardzhik and Plovdiv a kilogram of flour is traded for an average of BGN 0.94.

During the past week, the average retail price of sugar for the country in large retail chains decreased by 0.5% and reached BGN 1.95 per kilogram.

In most sites the prices of sugar vary from BGN 1.79 per kilogram to BGN 2.20 per kilogram.

During the expert inspection it was noticed that the prices of sugar in the smaller stores are on average BGN 0.12 higher than those in the large supermarkets, as the difference in this direction somewhere reaches BGN 0.36 per kilogram.

Exceptions are the districts of Kardzhali and Blagoevgrad, where the prices in the small shops are by 0.05 and 0.03 BGN lower in comparison with those in the big chains.
