Important Facts About Dried Fruits And How They Affect Our Health

Important Facts About Dried Fruits And How They Affect Our Health
Important Facts About Dried Fruits And How They Affect Our Health

Dried fruits, which many underestimate in vain, are a real treasure that should not be forgotten, especially when there is no variety of fresh seasonal fruits. Added to muesli or any cereal, they are a valuable source of energy.

Dried fruits are quite high in calories, but due to the many benefits they have on the human body, their consumption, although in limited quantities, is allowed even for diabetics. It is good for them not to take more than 20 g per day and only 2-3 times a week. They can be consumed alone or with cereals or nuts.

Here's what it's important to know about dried fruits and how they affect our health:

- It is believed that the most powerful source of energy among dried fruits are dates. They deserve a constant presence at our table, and according to recent studies are suitable for consumption even by children;

- Thus, our well-known raisins, which we often add to sarmis or to our favorite pastries, are not only delicious and easily accessible, but also very useful. They prevent the onset and development of osteoporosis and due to the high content of magnesium and potassium are suitable for people with thyroid problems;

Dried fruits
Dried fruits

- Prunes are rich in many fiber and B vitamins, so it is good to be included in the menu of those who are deficient in these vitamins;

- In the autumn, when all kinds of viruses begin to appear, it is good to eat dry papaya, because it strengthens the immune system. In addition, it activates protein metabolism;

- Dried figs prevent the development of cancer cells, are recommended for people with thyroid problems. No less important is the fact that they stimulate the digestive system;

- Dried apricots are an ideal means of cleansing the intestines, and pears for a complete cleansing of the body;

Dried pears
Dried pears

- Dried cherries are rich in magnesium, cobalt and vitamin B6, which is why they have a beneficial effect on the skin. They restore connective tissue, thus giving you a fresh youthful look.
