Morning Coffee Makes Us Happier

Morning Coffee Makes Us Happier
Morning Coffee Makes Us Happier

Coffee is the second most common drink in the world / after water /, whose aroma and taste qualities dominate a large part of humanity. It has a tonic effect, and many of us can't even imagine starting the day without the usual cup of coffee.

Now it turns out that in addition to all its other qualities, caffeine in the morning makes people happier.

This conclusion was reached by German scientists from the Ruhr University. They conducted an experiment with about 70 volunteers, invited to indicate positive phrases and words from all the words that appear on the screen in front of them. 30 minutes before the test, half of the participants drank 2 cups of coffee. The researchers found that people who drank their morning coffee were about 7% more accurate in choosing words that had a positive meaning.

In addition, scientists add that caffeine exacerbates reactions and accelerates them. The bottom line is that a cup of coffee in the morning makes us think faster, more adequate and most importantly - happier.

Women who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day are much less at risk of depression. Coffee provides energy that anyone in a bad mood can take advantage of. Psychologists advise us to take a few minutes for positive thoughts while drinking our morning cup of coffee.

Coffee with cookies
Coffee with cookies

With our first coffee we should try to draw a plan for our day, to think with love for our loved ones and to come out encouraged and positive. The key is in each of us, and coffee is a powerful tool in the fight against the stress around us.

However, we must remind you that as with all other pleasures, caffeine should not be overdone. Up to three cups a day is considered useful, but more coffee can cause problems.

Researchers conclude that caffeine stimulates the centers of the brain that are responsible for positive emotions. The bottom line is - don't forget your cup of morning, aromatic coffee to make you happier!
