Easy Ways To Burn Excess Calories

Easy Ways To Burn Excess Calories
Easy Ways To Burn Excess Calories

There are many ways to get rid of excess calorieswithout limiting yourself to food and without exercising.

Here are some fun and unusual ways to burn calories:

1. Singing in the shower burns an additional 10-20 kcal depending on the volume of the song and the pitch of your voice;

2. Laughter for 10 minutes helps you get rid of 20-40 kcal;

3. We burn about 200 kcal during 30 minutes of active sex;

4. If you hit your head against the wall, you can burn 150 kcal per hour. Don't do it - it's neither worth it nor will it help you feel good unless you have a serious mental disorder;

5. Brushing your teeth on average burns 5.7 kcal in 2 minutes. Here's how good hygiene can be a reason to think about how it can have another beneficial effect on our appearance;

Brushing your teeth burns calories
Brushing your teeth burns calories

6. Pushing the cart in the store for 30 minutes burns 100 kcal. The heavier the stroller, the more calories you lose. This is perhaps one of the comically good aspects of overstocking;

7. One hour of watching TV burns 65 kcal. However, do not rely only on this method, because it will further lead to immobilization;

8. If you hug someone for an hour, you can burn 70 kcal. Embrace at will, but not to lose weight, but as it should be - for love;

9. One minute kissing burns 2-4 kcal, depending on the intensity of the kiss. The same applies to this method as we said in the above subsection;

Kissing wastes calories
Kissing wastes calories

10. We burn more caloriesthan we consume when we eat celery;

11. Walking the dog for 30 minutes, we burn an average of 100 kcal;

12. We burn more calories while spending time in the cold than in the heat. It can be said that if we go out even to the store during the winter season, we will waste the energy of a candy;

13. Chewing gum helps you burn about 11 kcal per hour;

14. You can burn up to 350 kcal per dayif you are standing on a chair;

15. Writing and sending SMS messages burns 40 kcal per hour. We can probably apply this rule to sending messages on social networks;

16. If we eat straight, we burn 132 kcal per hour at an average weight of 65 kg;

Eating straight burns calories
Eating straight burns calories

17. If you fly a kite, you can burn 80 kcal;

18. If you sleep naked, you burn more caloriesthan if you sleep with clothes because you need more calories to warm your body. However, whatever you choose, think first about the comfort of your sleep, because it also affects hormonal balance and fast metabolism;

19. The recommended 8 hours of sleep burn 360 kcal;

Of course you can to burn a lot of calories without doing anything, this is related to your basal metabolism.

However, as you know, intense physical activity burns excess calories much faster and is really effective if combined with a proper and healthy diet.
