A Brief History Of Beer Around The World And In Our Country

A Brief History Of Beer Around The World And In Our Country
A Brief History Of Beer Around The World And In Our Country

Beer is a drink that is a favorite of both men and women, both young and old. Her Majesty beer is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. It was prepared 5,000 years before Christ. In ancient Mesopotamia and Sumer, they loved to drink beer.

The most interesting thing is that the best masters in brewing beer were women. At that time they had a wide range of hop liquid - dark, light, red, with foam, without foam, three-layer. There are documents from Ancient Egypt as early as 1,600 BC, in which over 700 recipes are written, most of which mention the word beer.

The Egyptians are the ones who taught the Greeks how to make beer. When Christianity was widespread, beer was in full swing. The reason for this was the monasteries, in which new ways of cooking were constantly discovered. The monks also built the first breweries.

Brewing beer was already a family business. In America beer was transferred by Christopher Columbus. When he made his last trip to Central America in 1502, he tasted a premium drink made from corn. This was the locals' option for European beer.

In 1920, during the dry regime, both residual alcohol and beer were banned. It was not until 1933 that this law was repealed. The use of barley and hops to make beer was ordered by the Bavarian Duke Wilhelm IV in 1512.


Until the 19th century, Bulgarians drank beer made at home. Francois Ducorp founded the first brewery in Bulgaria. In 1884 three entrepreneurs from Switzerland founded the brewery of Kamenitza in Plovdiv. A year later, the Czech master brewer Franz Milde and several entrepreneurs from Shumen founded a Bulgarian brewing company and a beer factory in the same town.

Thus, beer became the most common drink in Bulgaria.
