How To Wake Up Without Coffee

How To Wake Up Without Coffee
How To Wake Up Without Coffee

On cold days, getting up in the morning is a real pain. It is so difficult to get out from under the warm blanket that it seems almost impossible. There are many ways to wake up in the winter without using coffee.

The more light there is around you, the more cheerful you will feel. If you sit in the dark, you will fall asleep. As soon as you get up, pull back the curtains or blinds, turn on the lights and you will feel a surge of energy.

Open the window - the fresh air will have an invigorating effect. Massage the soft parts of your ears for half a minute, this will cheer you up.

Tick your palate with the tip of your tongue. You will feel a little strange, but really invigorating effect. Start the day with fruit juice or berries - apples, raspberries, oranges and grapefruit are recommended.

Stand on tiptoe and try to stay in this position as long as possible. Massage your neck for about two minutes.

How to wake up without coffee
How to wake up without coffee

If you are still sleepy, mint candy or mint-flavored gum will help. The taste and aroma of mint has an invigorating effect. Jump several times on the spot, this will stir your blood.

Drink a glass of cold water. Wet your wrists and temples with cold water. This should finally get you out of the realm of dreams.

If that doesn't help, take a few sharp breaths. Deep breathing increases the level of oxygen in the blood and helps fight stress.

Stretch as high as possible. Try to reach the highest shelf in your home with your hands. Feel every muscle and every part of your body.
