Health Benefits Of Borage

Health Benefits Of Borage
Health Benefits Of Borage

The borage plant, or as it is better known in our country - medicinal cucumber, is an ancient garden herb used for centuries throughout the Mediterranean basin, Eastern and Central Europe, North Africa and Iran.

The usable parts of borage are almost all. They are used both in cooking and in folk medicine, due to their bouquet of beneficial ingredients. Borage leaves contain amabilin, oleic and palmitic acids, and the flowers contain thezinin.

Oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant, which is a source of large amounts of gamma-linolenic acid. It plays an important role in maintaining and healing joints, cartilage, immunity and healthy skin.

Borage contains a huge dose of vitamin A, more than any other herb. It determines good vision, healthy skin and stable function of the immune system.

The carotene content is also not small. The combination of them turns the herb into a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.

Benefits of Porec
Benefits of Porec

Only 100 g of borage contains 25% of the required daily intake of B complex vitamins. Their intake has a pronounced regulatory function in the body.

Medicinal cucumber has an extremely high iron content, which is why it is highly recommended for women. About 3.3 mg is found in 100 g, which is 40% of the recommended daily intake. Iron is a mineral, a component of hemoglobin.

Its reduced intake causes a number of anemic conditions and chronic fatigue, and the intake of borage can prevent them. In addition, it highly determines the oxygen capacity of the blood. In addition to iron, the elements calcium, manganese, copper, zinc and magnesium are also found in the borage.

Borage can be consumed in many ways. Its leaves have a superb taste, close to that of cucumber, which is why they are added to various soups and salads. The mature leaves are used instead of spinach.

Combine well with tomatoes and potatoes. Dried leaves and sometimes borage roots are taken in the form of tea and infusions, which treat conditions such as postmenstrual pain, arthritis and dermatitis. Juice can be extracted from the front plants.
