Yogurt Saves From Bad Breath

Yogurt Saves From Bad Breath
Yogurt Saves From Bad Breath

Recently, scientists from Japan found that frequent consumption of yogurt has a beneficial effect on the aroma of your breath. It turns out that people who focus on dairy products have lower levels of hydrogen sulfide in the air they exhale.

Prolonged intake of yogurt is even able to completely combat bad breath.

The main culprit for the healing properties of this food are the bacteria it contains. These bacteria and their absorption are able to clear the bad smell of saliva, tongue and the entire oral cavity.

Just 90 grams of yogurt a day is enough to deal with bad breath.

Bad breath is not an isolated phenomenon. About 25% of people have a similar problem, according to large-scale studies.

It is not always associated with poor hygiene. Bad breath is most often due to local pathological processes accompanied by bacterial breakdown of sulfur-containing proteins. These are found in food debris, dead tissue, bacterial cells and bleeding in gingivitis and periodontitis.


Bad breath can be the result of diabetes, diseases of the teeth, lungs, liver and kidneys. It can also be caused by chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis and gastrointestinal disorders.

Smoking, taking certain medications, overdosing on alcohol, and hormonal problems can also be causes of bad breath.

There is a possibility that the unpleasant odor coming from the mouth will be inherited.

For its prevention, in addition to regular intake of yogurt, it is also recommended to observe perfect oral hygiene. When brushing your teeth, be sure to rub the surface of the tongue and the inside of the cheeks well to remove excess plaque and bacteria.

Dental floss is also a good way to prevent bad breath.
