The BFSA Reported After The Holiday Inspections

The BFSA Reported After The Holiday Inspections
The BFSA Reported After The Holiday Inspections

The Food Safety Agency has started mass inspections of trade networks in the country since St. Nicholas Day. The main violations identified by the experts are related to improper storage of food and sale of expired goods.

Around St. Nicholas Day and the Student Holiday alone, 356 kilograms of food were discarded, including 596 eggs, 7.5 liters of beer and over 135 kilograms of fish.

24 acts for established violation and 44 warnings were drawn up.

Violations related to the lack of an accompanying document to the fish or other food product, as well as improper storage and poor hygiene in the stored space have been identified.


The inspectors from the Agency checked, in addition to the large retail chains, also markets, markets, warehouses and restaurants, among which there will be one closed site.

In connection with the launched 24/30 campaign, more than 1000 inspections were carried out on holidays and weekends.

The Agency announced that they have received 26 signals from users, and each of them has been checked.

Experts remind that customers can report violations in the sale of food by phone 0700 122 99 or on the website of the Agency

Each signal must state the type and name of the food, the name of the manufacturer, batch number, expiration date, as well as the name of the site from which the product was purchased.


It is expected that a black list of the traders with the most frequent violations will be added to the site soon.

Experts have noticed that after the festive overeating, most consumers neglect local products at the expense of basic necessities such as milk, eggs and bread.

Experts warn that a slight drop in demand for meat may tempt some traders to lower controls on the durability of products.

The storage conditions of the goods are determined by the manufacturer and are written on its label.

In case of 3 violations within 1 month, the inspectors from the Food Agency have the right to revoke the license of the trade site.
