Do You Stumble On Diet Drinks? So Stuff Yourself With Burgers

Do You Stumble On Diet Drinks? So Stuff Yourself With Burgers
Do You Stumble On Diet Drinks? So Stuff Yourself With Burgers

People who consume diet drinks allow themselves to eat more unhealthy foods than others, according to Time magazine, citing a new study. Almost all of the respondents believe that because of the calories saved from the drink they can be rewarded with something tasty.

So if you've come across a movie, for example, in which they order a double burger with french fries and end up with a diet car, don't be surprised.

The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Illinois. Experts have tracked the eating habits of more than 22,000 adult Americans. They have been observed for a decade, scientists explain. Basically, experts have paid attention to the daily intake of calories that people consume.

However, scientists have mostly observed foods that do not belong to any major group. These are foods high in sodium chloride, cholesterol, sugar, fat and therefore low in nutrients. Such foods are french fries, cookies and more.

The researchers also focused on the consumption of five types of drinks that participants drank frequently - diet drinks, drinks with sugar, coffee, alcohol and tea. More than 90 percent of those surveyed consumed unhealthy foods daily, the results said.

Coffee and sugar-free drinks consumed fewer calories than those who preferred sweetened drinks and alcohol. On the other hand, drink lovers got most of their calories from junk food.

Diet drinks
Diet drinks

The researchers concluded that those who have a habit of drinking dietary drinks feel that it is fair to eat junk food. So they can afford different treats every day - a package of chips, muffins and more.

In order to have the effect of diet drinks, one must be careful about what one eats, the Illinois experts are categorical. Weight loss depends largely on whether we eat healthy food, not just whether we drink a diet drink, the researchers conclude.
