How To Recognize The Fighter Among The Eggs This Easter

How To Recognize The Fighter Among The Eggs This Easter
How To Recognize The Fighter Among The Eggs This Easter

Easter is and each of us hopes his egg will become wrestler, and this is especially exciting for children. They are the ones who enjoy the most knocking with eggs and I very much hope they have egg fighter.

However, whether getting a fighter's egg is pure luck, or whether we can make an egg like that is debatable. Both humans and eggs are different in size and color, as well as in the strength of the shell. Some will tell you that big eggs are wrestlers, especially those with a sharp tip, while others claim that white eggs have a healthier shell and are great fighters.

Some scientists claim that this the egg will be a fighter or not, depends on whether it is the beating or the beaten egg. According to them, this egg, which is in motion, is more likely to break, this is due to the shape of the eggshell.

Knocking with eggs for Easter
Knocking with eggs for Easter

But if you want to recognize the fighter among the Easter eggs, you have to bet on luck and deception. It sounds funny, but it's true. Each egg can become a fighter if it is fresh and cooked properly. They say that if we put salt while cooking the eggs, it makes the shell healthier. Also, if you produce your own eggs, you can feed the hens with calcium and so the eggshells will be even healthier. Homemade eggs have really more unbreakable shells, so try painting them.

And let's go back to the question that excites almost all of us - how to recognize a fighter in a bowl full of painted Easter eggs?

A really interesting question that most of us will answer differently or just laugh. Can we recognize at a glance? egg beater? Do you think it's really possible? Just like an egg and we'll see if it's your fighter.

Easter eggs - Wrestler
Easter eggs - Wrestler

Most people choose colorful eggs because the colors are what catch the eye, not whether they will be a fighter, but sometimes that happens. And one tip: when choosing eggs, do not choose too large, on the contrary - prefer smaller ones. Often large eggs do not become fighters, but are more fragile! The other is a dose of luck!

Christ is risen!
