Which Modern Foods To Watch Out For

Which Modern Foods To Watch Out For
Which Modern Foods To Watch Out For

In the last few years, the traditional Shopska salad and roasted peppers with garlic and tomato sauce have given way to strangers, exotic and advertised as extremely useful superfoods such as chia, quinoa, goji berry, etc.

According to a number of nutritionists and other nutritionists, when choosing what to put on our table, we should rely on products that travel the shortest to our table.

There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, this way you get the freshest products at decent prices, not expensive by additional transport costs.

The second reason, which is far more important, is genetic memory. The food that your ancestors ate generations ago will be more useful for your body and you will digest it more fully, because it will unlock the right enzyme for that as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, superfoods that are unknown to your body will make it difficult for the body to digest and their useful ingredients will not be fully absorbed.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds

Native nutritionists advise you to be especially careful with Asian cuisine, which has become popular in our country in the last 15 years. It can be delicious and even healthy, but it is usually richly garnished with spices unknown to us and a decent amount of hot sauce, which can cause stomach pain and bloating.

When we talk about superfoods unknown to Bulgarians, we can not miss the increasingly popular quinoa and chia, which are high in antioxidants, fiber and protein.

These cereals generally have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but their excessive use or improper preparation can cause you serious stomach discomfort.

Nutritionists are adamant that veganism, which is entering our country in full force and gaining popularity among more and more people, is actually not useful for anyone. This diet deprives the body of essential nutrients, trace elements and minerals and can be dangerous to health.

Here is the place to mention sugar, saccharin and artificial sweeteners. Years ago, white sugar was publicly declared a white poison and anathema.

Its place was taken by a bunch of sweeteners advertised as safe. A number of studies show that their use, especially in the long run, is not recommended at all, much less safe.
