Dangerous Drinks In The Summer - Here's What To Watch Out For

Dangerous Drinks In The Summer - Here's What To Watch Out For
Dangerous Drinks In The Summer - Here's What To Watch Out For

It is summer and our temperatures are coming in more. However, the heat is much more dangerous if we overdo it with harmful drinks. Fluid intake is especially important on warm days, but not all are suitable.

Alcohol, caffeine and energy drinks - they should be reduced to a minimum in the summer. The heat is dangerous for everyone, but the most endangered are undoubtedly people with heart disease.

Caffeine and energy drinks in patients with ischemic heart disease and heart failure have a really harmful effect. Caffeine in them is dangerous to human health and life.

It can impair the function of the heart to such an extent that it leads to its cessation. The use of alcohol leads to the same. Therefore, these drinks should be kept to a minimum on the summer table.

All important processes in the human body take place against the background of the aquatic environment. In summer, the fluids should be much more than the other seasons. In the heat, the processes in the body are much more intense, associated with the activation of metabolism, there is a higher rate of sweating and this fluid must be restored.

Harmful drinks in the summer
Harmful drinks in the summer

To keep everything in balance, you just need to increase your water intake. The optimal dose of fluid and water per day per person is calculated at 30 ml for each kilogram of weight.

When the body's water balance is disturbed, the body quickly loses its available reserves. The percentage of water decreases, and this suppresses absolutely all functions and indicators of the body. This, in turn, leads to a change in heart rate, blood pressure, skin dehydration and fatigue. Forbidden drinks in the summer further dehydrate the body and aggravate the situation.

In addition to alcohol, coffee and energy drinks, great care must be taken with ice water. The refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in the heat and many people have a habit of drinking ice cold water or other cold drinks. The cold drink brings only temporary cooling.

Alcohol in the summer
Alcohol in the summer

As soon as it enters the body, its temperature drops, which causes the sweat pores to shrink. This, in turn, prevents the heat from leaving our body and increases the risk of overheating and heat stroke.

Sweetened drinks are especially harmful in summer. Carbonated or not, each of them contains a huge amount of sugar. It disturbs the water-salt balance and causes an even stronger thirst.

In addition, sugars are rapidly converted into excess fat - something we do not want exactly during the summer months. Sweetened drinks are the most unhealthy way to quench your thirst in the summer.

But there is always a solution to everything. Instead of these unsuitable drinks for the summer, check out our suggestions for fresh smoothies or our other health drinks.
