When Buying Eggs, Watch Out For These Things On The Label

When Buying Eggs, Watch Out For These Things On The Label
When Buying Eggs, Watch Out For These Things On The Label

In this article I will try to explain to you how to tell if an egg is from free-range hens and how long it can last. According to world nutritionists, the best diet is one that is rich in protein and that excludes fats and sugars.

In this regard, the hens help us a lot by laying the amazing product - the egg. It helps us lose weight and also gives us a lot of energy that we all need in our hectic daily lives. Our body absorbs up to 97 percent of the useful substances of the egg.

Chicken eggs contain a huge amount of protein, useful fats, as well as vitamins such as A, B, D, E. The egg also contains trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. And the best part is that all these useful ingredients are almost completely absorbed by our body.

Wondering why it's important to keep the eggs we cook and eat fresh. Like almost all animal products, eggs can be carriers of some diseases. The longer you keep them without cooking them, the more time the bacteria in them grow.

It is important to store them at a low temperature, because if they are exposed to a higher temperature, this gives a prerequisite for the development of microorganisms in them. As a rule, the egg should be stored at a temperature of 6 degrees. She must have left the farm where she was taken down six days later.

One egg must be sold a maximum of 28 days after it has been placed in the package. If you see on the packaging of the eggs in the store that they were packaged a month and a half ago, then you have to subject them to a very serious heat treatment before consuming them.

Selection of eggs
Selection of eggs

And if you doubt that they are suitable, you better throw them away. To know that the eggs are fresh, when you go to buy them, watch for the following things: first look at the label, on it you will see a long code of numbers that will hardly tell you anything. However, we can find out where the hen that laid the egg was raised, how the hen was raised / whether in a cage or freely /, and we can also find out which is the farm where the egg was laid.

The first digit of the code speaks of how the hen was raised, whether it was fed organic food without artificial additives. Such hens are happy and are not kept in a cage.

The first numbers can be from 0 to 3. If the number is 0, then the hen, as already mentioned, is fed organic and has walked freely around the farm. If the number is 1, then the hens are fed with impurities, but are still reared freely. The final number 3 means that the hens are kept in cages.

The letters, which are after the first digit of the legend, show the country where the hen was raised. The numbers at the end of the code indicate in which area the farm where the hen was raised was located.

Every Bulgarian knows that our country is divided into 28 districts, so the numbers are from 1 to 28. I hope I was useful.
